PSPF Assessment Report 2022–23
Each financial year, non-corporate Commonwealth entities must report on their security posture to their portfolio minister and the Department of Home Affairs. This report provides assurance to government and the Australian public that entities are implementing security measures that proportionately address their unique security risk environments.
We have now published the Protective Security Policy Framework Assessment Report 2022–23. This is the fifth report using the 4-level security maturity model to measure implementation of the PSPF requirements.
This year, the majority of entities (99%) reported they had substantially implemented the core and supporting PSPF requirements. Overall maturity (comprising all 16 PSPF policies) increased, with 35% of entities reporting at Maturity Level Three overall in 2022-23, up from 13% in 2021-22.
Find the report and more information about the maturity model on the Annual Reporting page.